Thursday, December 2, 2010

Other Blogs

I've left the Circumcision post up long enough as my last post, so I guess it's about time I revisited and posted again.

I've got lots of ideas for things I want to post here, but I'm generally not a quick poster.  I like to think about a subject for a good while before I make a post, to be sure that I say what I really mean.  And also, I just get tired of clutter on the web.  Making a blog post that is just some random picture doesn't really do it for me, and it's like cheating.

Anyway, I also run two other blogs, which you may not know.  One is a literary blog called Becoming Salinger.  I write what I feel like writing, when I feel like writing.  Some of it is fiction, some of it is meta-commentary, some of it is more like a memoir--it refuses to be pigeonholed by me, and I like it that way.

But what I wanted to talk about was the other blog, which we've dubbed Schoolosophy.  This is a group blog that I share with a number of my friends and acquaintances, all of whom are college-educated and many of whom have graduate degrees.  In case it's not obvious by the title of the blog, it's a sort of forum we've generated for the discussion of concepts relating to education.  Some of us are interested in started a school; some of us are keen on home school; all of us are interested in the present and future circumstances of education.  We often post links to educational articles, school websites, or just general talking points related to schooling and education.

Today, I came across a link to a video that really irritated me and spurred me to write a semi-lengthy post at Schoolosophy on the subject.  (To read that post, click the title for this one, and it will redirect you there.  Or you can click here.)

Well, I just wanted to share that and point out that a large part of a parent's job is to help a child to develop mentally.  Hope you like the post, and I'll try not to go so long between writing here; but I make no promises--it's the holiday season, after all!