Below is one of the books that I made for my son Jackson. This one was designed to help him understand (as best as a 23 month old can) that Mommy was going to be going to Boston for a few days without him. Since I stay home with him, I was concerned that he was going to have some serious difficulty with this. Rather than just worry, I created this story to try to demonstrate the flow of things for him. Hopefully the images will be readable when I post it, but because blogger has a really awful preview mode, I'll transcribe in text what each page says.

This is my family. [I used the first person, so that it would be as though it were Jackson telling the story. This was a little awkward, as it turned out, when we were reading it to him.]
This is my Mommy. She is going away for while. [I don't wear skirts all that often, but I did such a mediocre job conveying myself in the photo, I guess I tried to make up for it by adding some feminine apparel.]

[The End.]
Overall, I would say that this book was a great help in getting Jackson to have some concept of what was going on when I left town. We were careful to send communications between Andrew and me via text messages and email so that I did not call and disturb the calm he was trying to maintain with Jackson. Remembering that children experience time as event-based rather than duration-based, I figured that Jackson would handle it better with little or no communication from me. The third night I was gone he broke down crying and wanted me home. He was so distraught on the phone after making Daddy call me that I could hardly make out what he was saying. I caught some concerned words about his toy school bus (his constant companion since it had been bought a few weeks prior, which even enjoyed a special place in his arms at bedtimes). The bawling and shrieking into the phone abruptly ended, and I got to hear all about "My school bus!"
Despite knowing there was a blizzard (Blizzard 2009) heading straight for us and that we had fought all day to get my ticket moved up as early as possible to avoid "stranding me" in Boston, I still found myself promising my crying toddler that I would see him in the morning. Luck was on my side, and I made it home to Florida the next morning, as promised. Jackson was indeed happy to see me and gave me big hugs.
What I did not expect, however, was that he was fairly nervous for a few days about both Andrew and myself being out of view. His concern had extended to being abandoned for long durations at any time by either parent. Unfortunately, while I was gone, Andrew was afraid to abide by the usual limitations I set on Jackson. He allowed (and perhaps even encouraged) Jackson to bring his blanky, Husky (stuffed dog that sleeps with him), and paci with him anywhere they went while I was gone, as well as his school bus. A week and a half later, we're still trying to get him back on the old system which had strict policies on what was allowed to go with us when leaving home. This was exacerbated by a trip to see my in-laws for several days shortly after I returned from Boston.
All in all, the book was a success. He had something tangible that told him how things were going to happen and our individual roles to play in the process. He had been assured that Mommy was going to be back and that she would give him a hug and be happy to be home when she returned. I expect to write many more of these over the next few years--and maybe when Jackson is older, he'll write some of his own!
This book was the second one I had made for him, and we had it bound for only a few dollars at a local print shop. Next time I'll see if I can disassemble and scan the potty training book I drew for him, which I had bound using a hole punch and some thin rope. No promises, but there WILL be another post in 2 weeks. (ish. Don't give me that look!)
Also, I'd just like to give a shout-out to my awesome little boy because today he turned 2 years old! Congratulations, Jackson! You're 2 fingers!